Becoming Unscrewed

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When thinking of a title for this post, I wondered -for a moment- if admitting that I was ‘unscrewed’ was tantamount to saying I was somehow ‘unhinged’ – but that wasn’t the piece of hardware that was removed from my ankle!

Just over two months ago – on November 19 – I was finally freed of my biggest complaint during this entire ordeal: that “big ass” screw that had been sticking out of my inner ankle (annoyingly and, often enough, painfully just under my skin). Yes, the term “big ass” is appropriate here because there is really no better way to describe it. Believe me!ankle_xray_BLURRED

This was my first post-op x-ray in April 2012. The size of that monster piece of hardware was second only to the nine-hole plate on my fibula (which has never bothered me).

A lot of the pain and swelling that I have had since the start of this journey was because of that screw.

IMG_6159In pre-op, my complete joy that this day had finally come was revealed in my blood pressure, which was calm, cool… and low. I was smiling, laughing and joking with the nurses and anesthesiologists, and when my doc wrote “YES” on my leg, I told him he forgot to add an exclamation point!

In layman’s terms, they were making an incision to get at the head of the screw and backing it out with a screwdriver (think Dewalt, Black and Decker). He told me the procedure could be as short as 5 minutes, or a bit longer. It ended up being about 35-40 minutes total, because some bone matter had actually grown up the screw and covered the screw head. I found that interesting since there was still a void from the original bone break that still lacked any regenerated bone.

Here is what that screw looks like now! A few friends have remarked that it looks like a wood screw you can buy at Home Depot.


IMG_6161And here (L) is what I was doing about 30 hours after surgery (with my doc’s permission)!

And I added this (below) one day later.IMG_6191

YES, this girl is unscrewed!! ….and I couldn’t be happier!

A Walk in the Woods

American travel writer and author Bill Bryson wrote a book in 1998 that I found absolutely captivating. It recounted his personal journey to attempt to hike the Appalachian Trail, the longest hiking-only footpath in the world – a path that stretches 2,190 miles from the state of Georgia in the southern U.S., to the northeastern state of Maine, which counts Canada as one of its next door neighbors. Year-after-year, thousands of hikers attempt to achieve a personal milestone by traveling those 2,190 miles on foot. If completed, it’s a journey that can typically can take 5-to-7 months to finish. According to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, only about one in every four hikers actually succeeds.

…completing the journey requires something more…

Hiking the entire Appalachian Trail is a humongous and grueling undertaking for the  physical and logistical demands alone. Actually completing the journey requires something more: mental toughness and determination. Looking at it this way: there are more than 11.5 billion feet in 2,190 miles, and more than 5.2 thousand feet in just that very first mile after the starting line – and, all of it begins with that very first step.

Back on April 2, 2012, I arrived home in a wheelchair after a weekend that resulted in: two broken limbs; the expectation of two big surgeries with needed titanium implants, screws and pins; and, the harsh reality of a lengthy recovery and rehabilitation. The enormity of it all had finally hit me that day, because the mammoth challenge that laid before me seemed too overwhelming to comprehend. So, I decided then and there that the only way forward was to take it one step at a time, and I would celebrate every victory – no matter how small. Those small victories would add up, I told myself, and every single step was indeed another step forward. I will freely admit, though, that there there were many difficult days when my mind took a lot more convincing than others.

Some background: Prior to the start of my orthopedic adventure, I was hiking the wooded trails at a state park that is only 10 minutes from where I live – every weekend. One trail that was my favorite: a beautiful 5.5-mile hike that offered views of a lake, which kisses the park’s beautiful shores. Winter was the absolute best time to go, because it felt like you had the trail all to yourself. Often I went Saturday and Sunday, adding portions of other trails to my journey, resulting in 12 or more miles of hiking on many weekends. I was there so often, I had even achieved a social media milestone, becoming the “mayor” of the trail on Foursquare (LOL!). On Saturday, March 31, 2012, the day of my mud run mishap, those weekly visits to what was a personal bit of heaven on earth – came to screeching halt. And the one recurring thought I had throughout the days that followed was whether I would ever walk that trail – and sit on one of my favorite benches – again.

…a “yes, I can” attitude…

That bench – actually hiking into the woods and sitting on that bench – became a recurring thought, a familiar image in my head, and a “yes, I can” attitude that quickly become a motivating goal. But even I knew that goal would be a long time in coming and a lot of work in between.

Two weeks ago, on Sunday, January 4, 2016, I made my first return to that trail since March 25, 2012…. and I not only sat on that bench, I completed that 5.5-mile hike, plus a little extra – just because I could! It was a personal effort that felt so empowering, I went on January 11 to do it again. This was a New Year’s resolution for 2016 and I’ve already done it TWICE and there will be plenty more to follow. (Something happened in November that gave me that “extra” push toward this accomplishment – more on that in my next post) 

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I share this story for a reason:  In a world that too-often values instant gratification above everything else, it’s too easy to get discouraged by goals that require more work, more time, more patience, and – yes – more mental toughness and determination. It took nearly four years for me to get back to that trail and that bench. But that made my “Walk in the Woods” all the more sweeter.

Do you have a challenge or goal that has required extraordinary perseverance and effort?  Please share it in the comments section. I’ve found my inspiration and strength through others – and I remain hopeful that, by sharing my own story, others will feel that same empowerment, too!







To the Superheroes Among Us

Oh my gosh – it’s March 31st AGAIN!!

While most anniversaries involve celebratory occasions, like weddings, graduations, years of service with a company, the date a company was founded or a building was built, there are others which provide us a time for more reflection.  As a career journalist, I can point to any number of examples for the latter.

Screen shot 2015-03-31 at 6.42.06 PMWhat’s so special about this particular date on the calendar?  Curiosity actually got the best of me this year, so I decided to do a quick Wikipedia search and it turned up some interesting (and perhaps even obscure?) March 31st anniversaries.  Here are the ones that caught my eye:

  • In 1889, the Eiffel Tower opened (Joyeaux Anniversaire!)
  • In 1918, Daylight Saving Time started in the U.S. (and the complaints have grown louder every year since!)
  • In 307 (yes, 307!), Constantine married the daughter of retired Roman Emperor Maximilian after divorcing his wife Minerva (Constantine probably would’ve rivaled a Justin Bieber- or Kardashian-like following back in the day; was there a tabloid like the National Enquirer?!)
  • In 1992, the U.S. Navy Battleship USS Missouri was decommissioned.
  • In 1921, the Royal Australian Air Force was born.
  • In 1906, (and this is for college sports fans) the Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States (later the NCAA) was formed to make rules for U.S. college sports (good idea? bad idea?)
  • In 1774, Great Britain ordered the port of Boston closed. The move, a response to the Boston Tea Party of American Revolutionary War fame.
  • In 1909, construction started on the HMS Titanic.
  • And, in 1985, the first WrestleMania happened in New York, ensuring that names like Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Andre the Giant, The Undertaker, Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, Mr T, King Kong Bundy, and The Rock would remain a staple of American pop culture for years to come.

Compared to all of that, my contribution to March 31st seems rather insignificant.

  • In 2012, I broke my ankle and dislocated my foot in a mud run {YAWN!}; this was quickly followed early the next morning by a fractured wrist {wait…what?!!}

Seriously, anything with The Rock these days is far more entertaining, don’t you think?!!! (Did you see him on Saturday Night Live last weekend?!)

But I digress…

Anniversaries are marked because they hold significance to one or more of us for one reason or another.

My mud mis-“adventure” changed my life in obvious and not-so-obvious ways (and I have thought about this on more days than just March 31st).  It led to this blog, for one thing (as of today, I’ve had almost 7,000 visits – wow! really??!!)  It provided me a front row seat toward a better understanding of the mobility issues faced by many in their daily lives.  It made me realize that, on any given day, there are A LOT of broken people sitting in orthopedic offices and emergency rooms around the world because of broken or healing bones (accidents happen!).  It showed me how very blessed I am to have an amazing extended family.  It also changed my perspective on a lot of things – this includes a needed reminder that some really interesting “finds” might be in places I’m not usually looking (like the bottom shelves in the store)!

But chief among my many takeaways is this:  my life adventure, which included a few months in a wheelchair and two limbs in casts, as well as observations of others in similar predicaments, provided me an abiding appreciation and recognition of the strengths of the human spirit.  It’s that intangible superpower that allows mere mortals who face seeming insurmountable struggles in their own lives – from injury, illness or otherwise – to remain focused and determined to rise above that dastardly nemesis, known as ‘self pity,’ and say to themselves, “YES, I CAN DO THIS, I WON’T QUIT & I WILL SUCCEED!”

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It happens every day, like in chemo & radiation units where men, women and children continue their brave and noble fight to kick cancer in the ass; in rehabilitation programs where stroke victims learn to speak and use their afflicted limbs again; and in hospitals and rehab facilities where those who have lost an arm, a leg  (or more) find that inner power to become stronger than their disability and, in the process, become able again.  And that’s just scratching the surface.  There are no capes or Batman-like masks, but maybe there should be.  It would be one visible way that we all could recognize the countless superheroes among us who seize the importance of each day, refuse to quit, and continue to look forward.  Here’s to them – the real Avengers – and the amazing power of the Human Spirit!


If you haven’t heard of 7-year-old Alex Pring yet, give this video a watch.  You’ll be glad you did!

Of Breaks …and Progress

Amid news in the U.S. of Paul George’s stomach-turning leg break during a Team USA basketball scrimmage, and the very recent broken ankle suffered by NFL football player Sanders Commings (Kansas City Chiefs), I realized that I am long overdue in adding a post to my blog.   While I’m sure that sport stars have the ‘best of the best’ in orthopedics available for their care and recovery, any of us who have endured a similar mishap can certainly relate to what they are going through and the challenges ahead.

Over two years into my own ‘adventure,’ I find myself asking more and more about the longer term recovery.  Elite athletes – like Baseball pitcher Tim Hudson – can say, ‘Yes’ the long term prognosis IS good.  The Atlanta Braves traded Hudson to the San Francisco Giants after his ankle break, and as of June 12 when this article was written, he was leading ALL OF BASEBALL with a 1.81 ERA (a BIG #facepalm to the Braves on that decision!).  But, what about the rest of us?

Even Joe Theismann, who arguably had the sports injury of all sports injuries (I devoted a blog post to it!), tweeted some encouragement for Paul George. Screen shot 2014-08-05 at 5.05.42 PM

Where am I  2-years and 4-months into this?

Actually, somewhat better.  I get a bit superstitious about talking too big… but, yes, I have definitely made some measurable progress due to continued personal efforts in my own recovery, my ‘never say quit’ attitude, and a change in regimen at the gym.  But first, let me back up to February, when I was having some real problems.  Had been having new pain/discomfort at both the interior and exterior ankle bone. On the inside, right where that BIG ASS SCREW (sorry, there is really no other way to describe it) is sticking out of my tibia (see the x-ray here) and can be felt under my skin.  It was as if the screw was getting hung up on the ankle bone and throwing my entire joint out of whack.  The result was some measurable pain at my exterior ankle bone and this mainly reared its ugly head while walking.  I reluctantly backed off the elliptical (the closest thing to running, or complete ‘nirvana,’ that I’ve experienced since my injury).  But eight miles on the stationary bicycle wasn’t enough.  So, I started some work on the inner and outer thigh machines. Within three weeks of starting those, I noticed I was walking better and had less and less pain.  Was it in my imagination, I wondered.  The guys at the gym said ‘no’ – that I was definitely reaping some benefits of my work.  So I continued….

outer thigh machine In May, I was doing the abductor/adductor exercises 5-days a week to build up more strength. By June-July, I had figured out that 3-days a week was actually optimal for maintenance, though I might try another month of 5-day weeks soon. I’ve always had strong legs, but, as one weightlifting site says, these exercises work muscles that are often neglected, and as a result – imbalanced.

I can comfortably do four sets of 25 repetitions with 120 pounds for the outer thigh; four sets of 25 with 110 pounds for the inner thigh.   The benefits?  Increasing strength and getting my muscles in better alignment from the hips on down.  Don’t forget: I dislocated my entire foot in my mishap, so those muscles were probably wondering why I hadn’t started this earlier.

At the same time that I started the inner/outer thigh workouts, I also started some squat exercises with a 25-pound hand-weight. I now do three sets of 15, followed by one more set of 20.  All of it is definitely helping!!  I have ZERO PAIN!!

My equivalent of a Tim Hudson success story will be to finally make that first post-injury hike in the woods, hopefully this Fall….but I still have some hard work ahead!

The lessons I can share at this point are:

  • You must be an active and willing participant in your own rehabilitation!! You are the only one who can do the work, so just do it!!
  • It would be great if all orthopedic doctors were like head coaches, celebrating your personal post-injury touchdowns.  But, they aren’t.  Some are overworked, too busy, and may seem more interested in cookie cutter replies to your questions.  Don’t let that discourage you!  (Heck, I’d be happy and honored to help anyone get motivated – just send me a message!).
  • Celebrate every step forward, no matter how small.  Everyone has to start somewhere — our goal is the finish line, but we have to get there in steps. My high school volleyball coach was a big fan of NFL coach Vince Lombardi and I still hang on to one of his quotes as a motivator:  A WINNER NEVER QUITS AND A QUITTER NEVER WINS. My other favorite quote is from college football coach Lou Holtz:  LIFE IS 10% WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU AND 90% HOW YOU RESPOND TO IT.  I hold onto those quotes, and you are welcome to do the same.
  • Set realistic personal goals. And as you achieve one, set another!  Those small goals add up and help you become more confidant and determined.
  • When you get discouraged, remember to look back over your shoulder now and then to see how far you’ve gotten!
  • And ALWAYS Remember:  You are not alone!

I started this blog because I couldn’t find anyone who had suffered my combination of injuries (ankle and wrist).  Hopefully I have shared some helpful information along the way.  I will continue to do so as my journey continues!




The Force was with Han Solo

hansoloJust as I was getting ready to add Harrison Ford to my coveted Ankle Hall of Fame… comes a correction (update, what have you) that, NO, he didn’t break his ankle in an accident on the UK set of the Star Wars film now in production. They say he actually broke his leg. And, yes, the jokes about actors breaking their legs have already started.

What wasn’t said was whether the accident involved Han Solo’s beloved Millennium Falcon, as originally reported. Ahhhh, details!

To be quite honest, I was just excited for the opportunity to add the words “Star Wars” and “Han Solo” to my ankle blog – good enough for a few more readers don’t you think? And maybe Harrison needed some helpful advice on, say, compression socks or titanium implants?!

I did learn something else, though, from this writeup in Entertainment Weekly.

It’s right there in the sixth paragraph:

“….When Robert Downey Jr. broke his ankle on the set of Iron Man 3, the shoot was halted for a month and a half — resuming in October 2012, while the film still went on to meet its planned May 2013 release date.”

WHAT??? How did I ever miss this?!!! And the same year as my injury, though it appears Downey had an easier time of it.

Well, The Force was definitely with Han on that set outside London. I wish Harrison a speedy recovery, and according to the Express (see link below) he already wants back on the set!

Iron Man – YOU, my friend, have now officially been inducted into the Ankle HOF! 🙂



Continue reading

An April’s Fool

Through humor, you can soften some of the toughest blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation may be, you can survive it ~ Bill Cosby

Yeah, two years ago today – this was me! Not sure how many people have actually seen this hospital room photo (with an already very swollen right foot). As you will note, I am still wearing my mud race t-shirt from the day before. And in the 24 hours between Saturday morning and Sunday morning, I had added a fractured wrist to the equation. Oh joy!

hospital_blogWhat do you do when you’ve somehow added a left-handed wrist/crutches mishap… to a right-footed nightmare?? Since it was April Fool’s Day in 2012, I realized that the only thing I could do was LAUGH! If I didn’t cry when I broke the ankle, I knew I wasn’t going to cry about this. Thankfully, an ample sense of humor is a genetic trait in my family.

Humor… laughter…. will get you through life’s challenges. And it definitely served me well.

My wrist was the joke on me. I never had any real pain, problems or complications – other than not being able to write my own name for a couple of months. Looking back at it now – that wrist helped me keep the larger issues with my ankle in perspective. It also left me with a rather awesome scar! 😉

Life can deal us some amazing lessons!


Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.

Bill Cosby


Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.

Bill Cosby


Closing in on Two Years

Can it really be almost two years since all of this started?! That thought crossed my mind today as I was checking this blog and realizing that I hadn’t shared an update in several months.  Believe me – my lack of sharing has not been for a lack of updates on my ankle.  In truth, it’s been more about having less time in the day to sit and write about it. Full-time jobs can get in the way of blogging sometimes… and that was the case with me.

So, where am I at with my ankle today?  Nowhere near my finish line… nor have I been able to return to the hiking trail. There will be some updates coming… that I can promise you!

A good friend of mine recently joined the broken ankle club (slipped on Winter ice) and another friend recently had surgery to alleviate pain from his old ankle break. Be careful out there everyone! If I hear of anyone else joining this club, I will have to design T-shirts and hand out membership cards!

My Ankle & My Life Right Now

Just over a year ago, I was complaining that time seemed to stand still — that I was sitting around watching grass grow, and that from the restricted confines of my own home… my life had quite suddenly become a prison.  Restricted mobility can do that to a person.  I won’t lie.  It was a personal hell.  Looking back at it now, it was also one of the biggest challenges of my life — mentally and physically.

What was key for me?  Mental toughness, a never say quit attitude, laughter… and this blog.

I also promised myself throughout that whole ordeal …that this year would be different.  And so far… it has.  I’m living life – not taking anything for granted – and, quite simply, “doing stuff” whether it is working in my garden, having laughs with friends, or making more time for me.   Sure, the challenges are still there.  My ankle continues to be, as I now call it, an “ongoing work in progress.”  I am nowhere near my goal of returning to the hiking trail — but I continue the hard work to get there.

blog_5kmedalOn April 27th, I walked in my first post-break 5k!  I finished that 3.1 miles in 55 minutes.  I wasn’t walking for time, or to be first… I was walking for me.  It was marvelous to simply be on TWO feet!!  I even managed to pass some people along the way (thankfully, breaking your ankle and dislocating your foot doesn’t damage your ‘competitive spirit’!)

I had purposely chosen this particular 5k because it was in the same town where my whole adventure first began – Auburn – but this time I made sure there was no mud (ha!).  It also ended on the 50 yard line inside the football stadium, which was very, very cool.

Six days later, on May 3rd, I started something else….

blog_supartzThat Friday was the start of what would be six weeks of inner ankle injections (SUPARTZ).

I will be blunt —- they hurt like a M***** F*****!!

Most interesting discovery?  That I had nerves down in between my bones that could feel stuff, like needles and needle movement.

Should any of you be advised to have the same injections, take  your crutches!  I couldn’t walk on my foot after the first four injections.  By the fifth and final injection six weeks later, I could walk out of the doctor’s office on my own.

What did it feel like?  The shot itself was only 2 ccs going into the joint (we alternated between the interior and exterior side of the joint each time) but – as was described to me – ankle joints have less spaces for the fluid to spread around.  I can describe it as feeling like a stone had been inserted in between the bones of my joint.  Walking hurt!  After the first shot, I was icing for hours… and finally was able to walk on two feet – unaided – after about 24 hours.  For the second and third and fourth shots — the crutches were a staple of movement for the initial hours post-injection.  I did the shots on Fridays, so by the time the round of shots ended with number 5 on May 31st… I was ready to move on to something else.

On the plus side, I have noticed less bone-to-bone rubbing at the front of my ankle, where I had suffered post-traumatic arthritis in my ankle break.  On the other side, I have been limping a lot more and I have experienced new feelings of “pressure” at different times, in the ankle bone area, the back of my heel and leg… and on the interior front of my ankle.  My observations are unscientific, but having had tendon issues in the past that required cortisone injections… these ‘feelings’ are definitely different.

Swelling is still a nagging issue in my foot.   I am still wearing a compression sock, which helps.  The worst I’ve experienced is after being on my feet for hours — that swelling lasts a long while.  As long as I am on my feet, though, the foot/ankle remain pliable.  I know that as soon as I sit down, the ankle will get stiff, until I can work it all out again when I get back up on my feet.

I am still going to the gym with the weightlifters… and still spending most of my time on ankle exercises. Stationery bike for 40 minutes at level 12 gets me more than 7 miles of “travel” – then I hit the elliptical for some interval training (forwards, backwards, forwards, etc) for 28 minutes.  It definitely helps.

I mentioned earlier that I have also been “doing stuff” — one highlight was taking my 60+ pound dog for a slow walk on May 27.  It was the first time I was able to do that since prior to my ankle break, and back then I was walking both of my dogs at the same time.  I cannot do two yet — that’s 100+ total pounds of pure excitement that I am not sure I can handle yet.

Found this article today before I started writing this blog entry.  Wanted to share it here because it speaks to what I’ve referred to —-> our perception of the passage of time.  Cliff’s notes version is that we perceive time as going faster when we constantly do the same thing, like sitting in traffic during our morning commute, or going through repetitive cycles of movements and meetings in the office. But if we do new things, seek new adventures and experiences, our perception of time is that it slows down.  Think about that a minute.  Makes sense, right?

I am still pinching myself that it is already mid-July.  I mean, how did that happen?  I lost May in shots, June happened so fast I wondered if we were a couple of weeks short… and now we are staring at August around the corner, which means Autumn is almost here  —- what??!!!

blog-rosesSo, I am stopping to smell the roses from my garden, meet friends for lunch outside of the office building (never did that before)… and “do stuff” like getting a sassy new haircut, and finally venturing to the local European/German Metzgerei (butcher) that I have been talking about for years.  Last week, I also spent a few hours at a comedy club laughing so hard that tears were coming from my eyes.  What a cathartic feeling!  Laughter IS good for the soul! (I am definitely going to do that again!)

I am planning to walk in another 5k next month – this one near my house that benefits the Wounded Warriors.  And my work team is planning to participate in another in mid-September.

The humorous part of my story is that I have somehow become the unofficial poster child for the “worst case scenario” —- the one everyone points to when they hear a friend or colleague is participating in a mud run.  I really don’t want to give mud runs a bad name, because I know that I’d be doing every single one of them if this had never happened to me.  What happened to me was a “freak” accident.  Yes, mud was involved… but stuff like this happens every day.  I recently met a kid who did something similar (though not as bad as mine) on a sidewalk.  If I represent anything, it’s how your life can change in less than 10 seconds.

I opened up a fortune cookie several weeks ago and found this message — it really spoke to me about the road I have traveled since this adventure started.

I am 69 weeks into this now… can you believe that?!


My Do Over Year Begins….

365 days later… I am actually celebrating something! Today is the first day of my “Do Over” year…

One year ago, on Saturday, March 31, my adventure in orthopedics began. It started with a broken ankle, included a fractured wrist 24 hours later…. and 48 hours after my MUD-capade began, my ass was sitting in a wheelchair. From then until now, it was —- hands down —- the longest year of my life.

I am nowhere near the end yet. A CT scan in the last 4-6 weeks revealed post-traumatic arthritis at the front of my ankle joint… some non-union of bone in my Tibia…. and a screw that is protruding out of the Tibia on the inside of my ankle joint (an area that has been the source of discomfort for months). My doctor wants to start a series of injections for the arthritis… and let’s face it… I am worried about that screw and the bone that still hasn’t healed. On the bright side, my Fibula and nine-hole Titanium plate look absolutely awesome!

So, exactly what is this do over year all about?

Well, in my case, the “do over” is aimed at correcting some inadequacies of the past year. The only real memories I have of 2012 are: sleepless nights, casts, waiting for bones to heal, waiting, killing time while waiting… and, oh yeah, the big red chair that I sat in while waiting for far too many months. So… from today, I am doing it all over. I am grabbing life by the horns… and doing stuff!walk

It started today with a walk in my neighborhood. And I am happy to report that I walked slightly over 5k in just over an hour. Woo hoo!! And Happy Easter!!!


Have you ever wanted a “do over”??!!


UPDATE 4/1/2013:   Hey, March 31…. what’s the deal with your date and all these broken bones?!!  I only got caught up on the Kevin Ware story this morning.  The irony of injuries like his and mine are that most of the people who witness it or see it are affected in one way or the other.  The person who must endure it, meanwhile, is left with an amazing WTF moment.  I mean, my slip and break probably lasted less than 10 seconds.  Kevin’s happened pretty fast too.  So, one second you are fine and standing and moving…. and the next you’re thinking WTF!  One year later, I can still play my mud run ankle break in my mind… in slow motion, and – yes – that includes the flash frame I had stick in my brain that day. That one non-moving image that I saw- and is still seared to my cranium -was of my right foot and toes pointing in a very wrong direction.  I knew it was going to be a long day.  It resulted in a very long year.  Like Joe Theismann, Ware suffered a compound break, which has its own complications.  Thankfully, I didn’t have to deal with that.

While I’m adding the update on Ware, Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter has also been getting a lot of media attention lately.  The concern of the baseball crowd was that he didn’t look like he was 100% in Spring Training.  Well, duh!  When he broke his ankle in the post-season last October (I actually have a blog post about this) and I read that they estimated him out for four months… I shook my head.  People who don’t know broken ankles shouldn’t be commenting on them.  Sounds like his injury may have been very similar to mine with plate, screws, pins.  I have been kidding friends that Derek and I could compete in a three-legged race, his bad left leg/ankle, my bad right leg/ankle and our two good legs/ankles strapped together.  Even recovering broken ankles will never be the same as the original pre-injury joint.

A couple of Jeter links:

On the Road Again

Okay…. this post has absolutely nothing to do with the song made famous by Willie Nelson.  It does, however, have everything to do with progress!  But more on that in a minute. First…..

How did it already become January 22, 2013 (even though I’m actually writing this on the 21st)?!!  I suppose I should start by saying Happy New Year!  Believe me when I say that no one was happier than me to say goodbye to 2012 — (I will freely admit that a few tears were shed).  2012 was, after all, a year that completely tested me to my core… and a year that was also completely lost!  It’s one reason I have decided to devote 2013 to making up for all those lost opportunities, lost experiences… and all that lost time.

Since I last wrote, I suppose the biggest news is that the Mayans were full of crap!  We are all still here … my ankle still needs work… and the “adventure” continues!  Aside from that, I have experienced a definite move forward.  Since December, I am not limping as much anymore… and in the mornings my ankle is also not like a fossilized boulder (perhaps more like a manageable brick?).

I wish I could tell you that this new development was the result of all my hard work at the gym…. but, in truth, I have only fate to thank for it all.  Fate in the form of an extremely awkward step …taken during a fleeting moment when, for a split second, I somehow forgot I had this “ankle issue” — I was trying to catch up with someone in a crowd to give them something. Yeah, it was that unexpectedly and brainlessly simple!  Except for one thing —- that awkward step (did I try to run?!) – when I did it – hurt like a “mother f***er”…nope, I will not mince words!   In fact, it hurt so bad that I thought I had experienced even newer tendon problems. When I got home, I immediately iced my pain-stricken ankle and kept it up the rest of the day.  But by the next day —– I noticed something really weird —- it seemed, somehow, more pliable?!

It wasn’t until the day after — a Monday at work — that I realized the biggest development:  I wasn’t limping once I was on my feet for short bit.  Still somewhat skittish in actually acknowledging this newfound discovery, I decided to keep it to myself.  But by Tuesday, and Wednesday… and  THURSDAY (!)… I was actually performing my latest trick for my colleagues at work!  Verdict: that awkward step was a breakthrough… as in me breaking through some serious scar tissue in my ankle (must have been a lot of it).  Not to fret though… there is still plenty more in there.

It’s now nearing the end of January and my “trick” has become a daily reality.  At my last doctor appointment in December, I even got permission to start some actual “walking” … for sport purposes (I have already been doing plenty of steps and long-distance walking on a Monday through Friday basis at work…my cubicle is at least a half-mile walk from my handicapped parking space!)

gps_walkSo, what sort of BIG news do I have now?  Well, the past three days (Saturday-Sunday-Monday) I have walked TWO miles each day on the roads in my neighborhood (on Saturday it was after being at the gym for 90 minutes!).  Taking advantage of a federal holiday on Monday, I even went a bit more than two miles —— here’s the proof!  A shout out to my new iPhone app — Pedometer GPS Pro — highly worth the less than three dollars I paid for it.  It not only measures the steps taken, but the distance, and the time it takes you to walk it.  It also keeps a history of your walks and daily goals for number of steps in a day (should you decide to go that route).  All-in-all, pretty cool!

So what’s next?  On good weather days I will be walking around the Olympic park next to work in a welcome escape from my cubicle.  Personally…. my goal for the year is to walk at least one 5K. If I am already walking over two miles… I know that 3.1 miles is totally doable! (And, if there is a chance that I think I might be able to handle a flat 10K… I am definitely going to try!)  The hardest part for me will be “reining in” my urge to just “GO!”

My high school volleyball coach used to tell us: “A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins” — it was true then and it is still so very true now.  It’s amazing the lessons you learn in sports that can stay with you throughout your life.  I owe a huge helping of gratitude to the NFL coach who originally spoke those very wise words:  Vince Lombardi you have provided me a lifetime of inspiration!